Review: Virtualcol – Dash 8 series X for FSX/P3D
Until fairly recently I didn’t have many add-on aircraft for FSX, mostly because a lot of add-ons seemed to be big jets that I don’t personally enjoy flying. As a passenger, one of my favourite […]
Until fairly recently I didn’t have many add-on aircraft for FSX, mostly because a lot of add-ons seemed to be big jets that I don’t personally enjoy flying. As a passenger, one of my favourite […]
Getting into flight simulation software is very like a toddler running down a hill: it starts off as under control but before you know it things have got away from you. “I’ll just buy a […]
I wrote before about a fix for the blank screen issue on the Saitek Multi-Panel. While that fix did work for me, I found another, much easier solution. Go to codelegend.com, download the APM fix […]
Last week I wrote about an issue I had with my Saitek Multi-Panel and it was actually while I was in the process of working out that fix that I came across the RemoteFlight iOS […]
I love my Saitek gear but what I love less is an almost trivial issue that a lot of people seem to have: the screen of the multi panel not showing the numerical display. After […]
Every now and then FSX throws up something so random you just have to laugh (unless it’s right at the end of a 3 hour flight, in which case aaarggghhhh). And so we have this […]
I love Microsoft Flight Simulator (without ever having enough time to fly as much as I’d like) but the 8 default main screen music tracks are distinctly meh in my book. Since my immediate reaction […]
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